How To Save Money On Your Utility Bills Find out more about some great ways to save money on your energy bills.
Why Have a Home Inspection? Getting a home inspection is a very important tool that helps buyers navigate whether or not they would like to buy a house they're interested in, and potentially, can help sellers sell their homes faster.
New Year's Resolutions for Your Home Showing your home some much-needed love this year can make running your new home easier, or selling your home happen more quickly.
You're Invited to Our 2022 FREE Holiday Skate Tis the season! Wishing our clients, friends and family a warm and wonderful holiday season! Please join us for a Holiday Skate at Tecumseh Arena!
Introducing Tecumseh Tecumseh is a vibrant area to live and visit, featuring great activities, wonderful homes and an outstanding sense of community.
Selling Your Home Late in the Year The decline in seller premiums typically begins in September and the question of whether houses sell in Autumn and Winter is often asked. In short, it all depends on where you live, the real estate market in your area, and the condition of the house you are selling.